SERC Chennai Recruitment Notification 2024:
SERC application link and complete notification is available on official website, If the candidates are waiting to apply for SERC 2024, you can apply between 10-07-2024 and 23-07-2024. Visit official website to apply directly for SERC Vacancy 2024 in 52 posts like Senior Administrative Assistant, Project Assistant, Project Associate I, Project Associate II . Be sure to submit your application before the deadline. The application process is completely offline; You can find specific links to include in the article. Read the entire article to understand the application process, fees, requirements and other important details for filling the SERC application form.
Name of The Organization: CSIR – Structural Engineering Research Center (SERC)
Employment Category : Central Govt Jobs
Number Of Vacancies: 52
Job Location Name: Chennai
TNPSC GROUP 4 Official Website:
Application Mode Type: Offline
Application Starting Date: 10-07-2024
Application Last Date: 23-07-2024
Post Name and Vacancies in SERC Application Recruitment 2024:
Senior Administrative Assistant – 07 Posts
Project Assistant – 07 Posts
Project Associate I – 14 Posts
Project Associate II – 23 Posts
Education Qualification Details For SERC Recruitment 2024:
- Scientific Administrative Assistant
Candidates must have any degree from a recognized Board or University. Eligible candidates should apply for this post. - Project Assistant
Candidates must have Applicants holding a diploma in mechanical or civil engineering and technology. Eligible candidates should apply for this post. - Project Associate-I
Candidates must have a bachelor’s degree in civil, mechanical, electrical, electronics, instrumentation engineering, material science, polymer engineering, or rubber technology is required for candidates. Eligible candidates should apply for this post. - Project Associate-II
Candidates must have Bachelor’s degree in Civil, Mechanical, Structural, Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation, Ocean, Aerospace, Information Technology, or Computer Science, along with two years of experience in Research and Development in the relevant field, or a Master’s degree in Information Technology, Computer Science, or MS in the relevant field, or an M.Sc. in the field. Eligible candidates should apply for this post.
Age Limit in SERC 2024:
Scientific Administrative Assistant
- Maximum Age: 50 years
Project Assistant
- Maximum Age: 50 years
Project Associate-I
- Maximum Age: 35 years
Project Associate-II
- Maximum Age: 35 years
Salary Information SERC Recruitment 2024:
- Senior Administrative Assistant – Rs.18000/- + HRA
- Project Assistant – Rs.20000/- + HRA
- Project Associate I – Rs.31000/- + HRA (OR) Rs.25000/- + HRA
- Project Associate II – Rs.35000/- + HRA (OR) Rs.28000 /- + HRA
Selection Method in SERC Recruitment 2024:
- Written Test/Walk in Interview
How to Apply For Post SERC Recruitment 2024:
Here is the procedure to apply for CSIR-SERC:
Step 1: Make sure you qualify for the position.
Step 2: Download the application form from the CSIR-SERC website:
Step 3: Fill in the application form carefully and ensure all the information is correct.
Step 4: Gather self-attested photocopies of requisite certificates/documents, including:
- Date of Birth certificate
- 10th or equivalent certificate
- 12th or equivalent certificate
- Graduation certificate
- Experience proof (if applicable)
- A photo ID proof (like Aadhaar card, Voter ID card, or any other photo ID card issued by a Government Agency)
- One passport size colour photograph
Step 5: Attend the Walk-in Interview with the duly filled in application form, the original certificates for verification, and the self-attested photocopies of the requisite documents.
Step 6: Make sure to carry a photo ID proof like Aadhaar card, Voter ID card, or any other photo ID card issued by a Government Agency.
Step 7: Bring one passport size colour photograph with you to the interview.
Important Guidelines:
Before submitting an application, candidates carefully follow the instructions in the announcement.
Candidates must ensure that the scanned copies of educational qualification certificates, recent passport size color photograph and signature are in the prescribed format and size as specified in the official notification. (if necessary) If an applicant does not upload the appropriate photograph, their application will be cancelled.
Candidates are advised to submit their applications as soon as possible before the deadline and not wait for the last date. After completing your application, please review the information you provided once or twice.
If you are satisfied with all your information, you can submit your application.
Important Dates For SERC Recruitment 2024:
- Senior Administrative Assistant – 22.07.2024 @ 09.00 AM to 11.00 AM
- Project Assistant – 23.07.2024 @ 09.00 AM to 11.00 AM
- Project Associate I – 23.07.2024 @ 09.00 AM to 11.00 AM
- Project Associate II – 23.07.2024 @ 09.00 AM to 11.00 AM
- Venue: SERC Chennai
Important Notification and Apply Links For SERC Recruitment 2024:
- TNPSC GROUP 4 Official Notification Link: Click to Download
- TNPSC GROUP 4 Official Apply Link: Click Here