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3 Warnings about Your Professionally Written Resume – Jobsmaa


You hire a professional resume writer and read the completed resume, and it looks good. Are you ready to send it, or not?

Not yet. To make the most of your investment and have a better chance of being invited to an interview, heed these three caveats.

1: Resume may need more verification.

As you know, one typo can get your application straight into the trash. At the very least, an error creates doubts about your credibility with the details.

“But it's professionally written,” you might say. “Didn't the resume writer check it out?” Yes, they probably did, that's the problem. It is very difficult for a writer to proofread their own work effectively because they focus on the overall meaning of the words, while proofreading requires attention to one word, letter, and comma at a time.

I worked at a magazine in my twenties, and then at a book publishing company, and if someone on the staff said, “It's okay, the writer has checked this, he's a professional, so no. There could have been some mistakes,” they would have been laughed out of the room.

Verification is more difficult than most people think.

Since I became a career professional over a decade ago, I have seen many excellent resumes written by professional resume writers that were excellent and error-free. I have seen grammatical errors, missing words, spelling mistakes, incorrect punctuation, capitalization errors and more. In some cases these are great websites and reputations, even awards by well-known pros. All these false applications may have been verified by the authors. They also don't catch errors in written job seekers.

As a resume writer, before I started working with a professional proofreader, I admit that I occasionally submitted resumes with errors.

Appoint a reviewer. The cost is usually only a few dollars per page. You can find these experts on freelance sites like Upwork.

Check it yourself for the accuracy of dates you work with and other facts that the checker can't know—and even checkers are human and make mistakes.

2: It might make a great resume—or not (plus: tips on how to hire a resume writer).

I know it hurts if you've spent $400–2,000+ (typical prices for a good resume for entry-level to executive-level roles), but not all professionally written resumes are well-strategic and well-written. . No matter how much you've already spent, your future is worth more than that number.

A common application weakness is a lack of accomplishments. A good resume isn't just about communication what did you do But most important of your jobs, how well you did it and the difference you made; It emphasizes your key selling points; It glides on, creates the perfect look in seconds—and more. Read mine Resume the “must haves” checklist A quick summary of what you should expect from a well-planned, well-written resume.

Before you write an application, check their experience, reviews and/or testimonials. See their serious dedication to their craft through formal resume-writing training, certification in resume writing, and a professional web presence. To make sure the models are following best practices, look at the resumes they've written and compare them to the checklist above. Above all, ask how they will collect information from you. A resume is prepared from the questions the resume writer asks, In my experience, filling out a customer questionnaire is not enough; An in-depth discussion always leads to additional accomplishments or strengths.

Most resume writers offer a free consultation so you can ask these questions and they can learn more about you and make sure they can help you. Some job seekers try to use this free advice as an alternative to paid help, citing their sketchy notes from the conversation as a manual for self-rewriting. This is totally inadequate. If the writer is very competent, the initial comments they make about how they can improve your resume barely scratch the surface of what you need to know to do it yourself. If you want to take a DIY approach, read a good, thorough, current resume book — for example, Modernize your resume By Enelow and Kursmark.

3: A great resume does not equal a great job search.

Don't rely too much on a resume, no matter how good it is. For most job seekers, sending resumes in response to job openings is not the best way to land a job. How fast It will work or Quality Position you are likely to get. Most successful job searches focus Networking Activities like Informational interviews.

Am I trying to talk you into investing in a professionally written resume? Absolutely not. A skillfully written resume is a strategic marketing tool that can pay off many times over. As hard as checking is, writing an application is even harder, in my humble opinion. Hire a professional resume writer, but do your due diligence first. You and your business are worth it. This post was originally published in 2019 and has since been updated.

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