Let's say you want to apply for a position posted at XYZ Media. Apply to HR as directed, But Also Send your resume and cover letter to the hiring manager—and maybe make a follow-up phone call, unless the posting specifically prohibits it.
The tricky part is that this person's name is not listed in the post. How do you find him or her? Here are some strategies.
- Call the company's main number, If you get a person live, ask them in a polite but confident tone, “Could you please tell me the name of the person responsible for ________?” (Fill in the blank with the department you work for.) If you've got a voicemail system, try step #2.
- Ask an AI like ChatGPT. I decided to find out who the head of marketing was at TaskRip. Within a minute I had the person's name and email address.
- Try “accidentally” calling the wrong person or department to find a phone number. Sorry, just ask for the correct number and go from there.
- Perform an advanced web search. (You can get there by searching for “advanced search”) Let's say you want to find the VP of Sales. Fill in the blanks as follows. All these words: “XYZ Media” Sales – This is the correct word or phrase: “Vice-Chairman”— None of these words: Free. (By removing the word “free” you remove junk sites like resume distribution services.
- Perform an advanced search on LinkedIn. Enter the hiring manager's title, company name, and any other information you know.
- Search the company website. Look for an “About Us” or similar page.
- Ask the people. There may be LinkedIn connections you know Manager's Name
- Search online business directories such as Standard & Poor's (“S&P”) or Manta. Directories are usually out of date, so if you find any information, try checking it elsewhere.
- Set up a Google alert for the job you want Using keywords like: Marketing Manager Position Available XYZ Inc. This work may spread on social media. If you find it, see if you can link to the person who posted it. They can tell you who the hiring manager is.
- Last but definitely not least: On LinkedIn, work to make new connections at your target company. Look for employees who have positions related to people you're interested in, especially LinkedIn groups (this is a great reason to join groups) or people with things in common, like an alma mater. Look for it in your invitation message. Once connected, build a relationship with them over a period of time by commenting on their posts and then suggest a brief conversation.
Key point: In the end, If you have a name and you're not sure it's the right person, go ahead and send them your resume. If you're wrong, you're doing yourself no harm, and your application is more likely to be sent to the right person.
How to Get Your Resume to the Hiring Manager Now, if you In fact To stand out, my bar An illustration of how to follow up on a phone call. This post was originally published in 2019, and was updated in 2024.