The worst in the first significant rainy season of the season for South California is expected to reach Sunday morning. Here you need to know:
The forecasts with the weather service have released flood surveillance for a high dangerous period – Sunday from 10 am to 4 pm.
Weather Service Meteorological Inspector Ryan Kitel said Sunday night would be a particularly concerned time.
It is “a slow -moving storm, so it can be stubborn. This is going to be rounded, ”said Alex Dardy, the National Weather Service Office of the National Weather Service in San Diego. “It is going to send moisture waves until Monday. So I think this is really going to add significant shower and snow. ”
Mountains of Los Angeles and Ventura districts may receive 2 to 3 inches of rain, while half -inch to 1 inches are possible elsewhere.
Until Monday, a thousand oaks and Oxnart could take part in one -third of an inch of rain; Redonto Beach, Santa Clareita and Filmore, from seven ten in an inch; Long Beach, one -fourth of an inch; And Towntown Los Angeles, more than an inch.
If the high -end storm of estimates is created, 1 to 1.5 inches of rain in Orange County, Ontario, Riverside, Elsinore Lake, Demegula and Coastal North San Diego County. San Diego is expected to rain 0.7 to 1 inch, from 1.5 to 2 inches in San Bernardino.
Flood worries in burns
Flood surveillance is provided when the flood is favorable. “It does not mean that floods will occur, but that Possibility“The weather service says.
The forecasts have increased the predictions of how much rain may occur. The adjusted forecast is the result of the low pressure system, which is abandoned from Canada, and the west appears a little more – a little more on the coast of South California – more than the initial expected, the storm will moisturize.
As a result, “worries for debris flow over some burned scars,” Kitel said.
However, there was considerable uncertainty on Saturday afternoon, the consequences depend on the accurate path and speed of the storm, said the National Weather Service in Oxnart, said weather inspector Kristen Lunt.
If the low -pressure system is slightly west toward the water, it will take high humidity and it will rain, while the higher the domestic path to the east will be the lowest rainfall in the east, he said. If the storm is slightly slower than expected, it can sit in an area and prolong the rain, or may cause more rainfall on the board.
“These forms are a little more unpredictable. You don't really know. It will end until it arrives,” he said.
Priority has reported that there is a 10% to 20% chance of a significant flash flood and debris, which is capable of damaging the roads and homes in the most vulnerable areas of the recently burned areas, ie the Pacific policies and franklin fire areas around Altatena and Basadena around the Eden, Hughes Castayek Bridge fire in the Angeles National Forest north of the fire, and the Clendora.
In the recommendations of the weather service: Avoid burnt areas recently during that period. Use sandbags to protect the property. And residents who decide to stay can store the items “if road access is blocked”. “
Dry weather for southern California is expected to set a record or nearby record. The water, which began on October 1, has less than 5% of the average accumulated rainfall at this point.
Downtown Los Angeles received only 0.16 of an inch of rainfall from October 1, which is only 2% at this stage of water during this water year – 6.48 inches. The average rainfall of the Downtown LA is 14.25 inches.
Southern California is now “extreme drought” or “severe drought” US Drought Monitor.