The rise of immigration reached its peak, just as much as most of last year's homeless number was taken into account. Historic high In December, the image of the homeless in the United States was raised to a bulk.
Local agencies across the country did not hear the settlement, and the number of homeless people increased in a few states that took tens of thousands of migrants, and the states increased the nationality to an unprecedented level. Almost 772,000.
In publishing Annual Homeless Assessment Report In the last few days of 2024, the US Housing and Urban Development Department quoted immigration, with affordable housing shortages and natural disasters, one reason for an increase of 18.2% nationally. But it does not provide a estimate of how much an increase from immigration.
In fact, a four -thirds increase occurred in five states, of which California are the main recipients of the diaspora.
“It creates a number that cannot be understood because they cannot separate them and try to find out what the immigrant population is.” Tennis b. GulhaneProfessor of Social Policy at the University of Pennsylvania and a leading national expert on homelessness.
Based on the methods set by Gulhane to control the settlement, the Times analysis shows that domestic homeless people are not nationally higher and that California's smooth increase may have been less than 3.1% HUD.
Failure to take into account settlement may be underestimated 2.2% decrease The city of Los Angeles reported.
The immense influence of immigration, the increase in the year and the lowest 12% increase in 2023, the number of mutations that lead to dramatic correction when taking this year this year.
Although migrants insist on homeless organizations, cities such as New York and Chicago are forced to spend millions of dollars to build new shelters, but they are more likely to find homes more than homeless. In November, ABC 7 announced it in New York 1,400 migrants leave the shelters for every 600 people, And both cities have begun to reduce their ability.
Traffic on the southern border has declined since last summer and tens of thousands of immigrants who were estimated to be homeless in January last January and left the homeless system.
(Los Angeles Homeless Services Commission has announced due January Number is postponed February 18-20. Disaster can undoubtedly affect the number of ways that cannot be predicted.)
Failing to calculate immigration separately in the annual report, it reduces its ability to illuminate long -range tendencies in homelessness.
“This is completely confusing our trends,” said Gulhane.
The annual assessment of Point-in-Time Count is used to share Federal dollars and offers a long-term amount of homelessness in the United States.
But this is an incomplete and outdated process, which is almost a year to collect data collected across the country by local administrative agencies called Continiam's Care, each forming its own system. After the calculation in January, agencies remit results throughout the year. This year's HUD released numbers on December 27.
In the mistakes of the account, its results are subject to statistical error and this is not properly calculated for the homes and outsiders of others.
“No matter how bad the point-in-time number is, all the mistakes in it are notable, and how consistent it is. It usually varies from one or two percent above or downward.
Gulhane writes a paper in which he tries to unravel the misinformation of the number that arises from the wrong number. After the release, all the lawyers used these numbers to spread the warning, some are completely blaming the home crisis, and others have found evidence that the organization is failing.
The rhetoric exaggerates the most subtle tendencies that Gulhane is looking for. In his time, since 2010, homelessness on the West Coast has been increasing nationally. By 2018, “the increase in the west coast has broken the slopes elsewhere” and the national number was raised again.
Although the entire homeless people in California are nominal, the long -term homelessness, the long -standing state of the state has declined slightly in California last year, but has increased nationwide.
To evaluate the influence of immigration, Gulhane devised a crude method using the exterior increases of the states known to have received a large number of migrants and the unusual increase in Latin and family of Latin and family.
Latinos are responsible for over 60% increase in five states and 70% in New York.
In New York City, which was flooded by immigrants in 2024, less than half of the national increase was sent by Texas Governor Greg Abott. In collaboration with the New York State, Illinois, Massachusetts, Colorado and California have recorded an increase of 90,000 or a national level of 76%. If you add more than 5,000 people homeless by wildfire, it is 80% of the total increase.
All of those people would not have been immigrant, but other factors balance it, Gulhan said. Not all immigrants are Latinos, and most of the migration spread in other states. In its announcement, HUD said 13 communities were affected by immigration. HUD rejected the request of Times for the names of those communities.
Like Chicago, it is a second -higher visit to the diaspora, creating a separate shelter for New York immigrants, providing a way to speculate on the domestic course.
In January 2024, when the number was taken, the city was 69,000 migrants are in the shelvesAccording to Mayor Eric Adams. This is more than 54,819 HUD recorded by the state due to the growth of the city's homeless population. The number has been significantly reduced significantly, and the city is planning to close the shelters as it is now out of the migrant system.
In the US cities alone, Denver complained two numbers, one to HUD and a small number for its own audience, excluding residents in a separate organization created for migrants. 9,977 homeless people Metro Denver's homeless attempt Posted on its website The HUD was 30% lower than the number of reports and only 77 increased.
MDHI's Deputy Director Kaila Mo said the low number was calculated to maintain “data integrity and comparison”.
“Temporary immigrant shelters were funded by separate funding from the traditional sources used to support the homeless service system,” Mo said. “Adding these temporary shelters in the local PIT report can introduce conflicts and potential distortions in the data, which is difficult to accurately evaluate and monitor long -term homeless tendencies within the existing system.”
Can't do a similar adjustment in California or Los Angeles, however, many newly immigrants – many from Texas – have already been embedded in the existing system, in some cases The shelters are overflowing.
The inflammation of the diaspora less than the East Coast cities, but comparing the state and local trends to other parts of the country is still cloudy and may have been crippled.
Following the release of the report, Governor Gavin Newsom Office examples the state's relatively low -level 3.1% increase compared to 18.2% of the national level.
The spelling of immigrants from the number will look like the rest of the country as the rest of the country, but with less than half an increase.
But the state's own number is low. Latinos are 36% of 5,685, the total increase in the state notified for HUD.
Similarly, the Los Angeles mayor Karen Boss may have boasted that the city had raised the national course if it had reduced the modern estimate of 1,008 homeless for hundreds of immigrants in the last two years.
After increasing for many years, the Latinos increased by 2023. Last year, although the total number of homeless people declined, their number was too much or less.