When David Pierre made two women unconscious at 5 am in his apartment, they have their chances of empty liquor bottles and a powder material, at first he didn't think much about it.
Pierce testified in the Los Angeles Court in the Los Angeles court on Tuesday, and Pierce testified that “the lifestyle I lived at that time was not very conducive to regular behavior.” “It is not customary for people to use my house as an accident pad and a party home. I know this is terrible.
Pierce is under investigation for rape and murder. Christie Giles, Hilda Marcela Caprales Azola and Michael Ansbaq went out with a warehouse in a warehouse on the night of November 2021, with a warehouse in a warehouse, Pierce and his roommate brand Osborn. Pierce said that the unconscious women had helped the bed and that if they needed to vomit, they put them on their sides and then went to sleep.
It went for almost 12 hours. No woman wakes up. Pierce said that he was worried and that she was checked again and eventually took Kills to a part of the hospital. When he returned to his Olympic Bowel's apartment, Arsola was still unconscious. Pierce just started managing the CBR, but he said he did not call 911 at any time.
“She responded to her chest wrinkles. He responded in a positive way to revive the mouth from his mouth, ”he said. “I don't know what to think. I don't know how much medicines they did. ”
Against the advice of his lawyer, Pierce took the position on his own safety this week. Prosecutors have accused Pierce of providing hazardous drugs to both women and then failed to seek proper medical help. He described himself as a related party, and he did what he could to help two women he knew.
Pierce was arrested in the deaths of Giles and Arsola in December 2021 with Osborn and Ansbagh. Since then, Seven women have come forward to accuse Pierre of raping them. Osborn is accused of being a partner for the deaths of Kills and Arsola, while at the same time The Ansbagh has become an important witness to the trial.
In a two -day testimony, Pierce denied every rape, saying he had never met one of his allegations and rejected the remaining meetings unanimously. Pierce described a booze and drug fuel lifestyle, and that most women came to him with dinner or dating applications.
Prosecutors have given a different account, accusing Pierce of being a well -linked Hollywood player, he attracted women to her apartment again, showing that he was a man who could help with their acting, modeling or music aspirations. After exchanging a drink for themselves, many women became sick or paralyzed. After leaving Pierce's house, Giles revealed a toxicial screen that GHB had GHB date-pseudonym on her computer.
At night lawyers say Pierce Giles and Arsola served a deadly block of cocaine, Pierce said he met them in a “pharmaceutical room.”
“People cut intoxicated, bumps, exchanged medication or handed over each other. It is clearly assigned to the people as the highest part of the people,” Pierce said.
Eventually the group went back to the apartment of Pierce, where Ansbach testified, Pierce pulled out the cocaine, it burned his nose, and he was very sick, and he ate charcoal pills the next day to trigger vomiting. Giles and Arsola made lines from the same set, never recovered, Ansbag testified.
Pierce dismissed the version of Ansphak's events, saying that he did not provide any drugs in his apartment to women or Anspoc. Court records show Kills, and Arsola also had their own drugs.
Lawyers usually try to prevent their customers from testifying. On Tuesday afternoon, Pierce Los Angeles County was interrogated by the sub -district. Atty. Seth Carmeg, who quickly called on the defendant's credibility.
After testifying Pierce, he was “never met” one of the accused, and he did not even live in his Olympic Bowel's apartment, where he accused him of raping in 2010, producing Carmec's lease agreements and police reports, in which Pierce listed the apartment in 2009. Address up. The question left the Pierce Reeling that he uploaded the response that his laptop automatically turned into the wrong address.
Arsola was repeatedly attacked Pierre for failing to call 911 as Arsola fell unconscious for more than 12 hours. Pierce said he did not know how sick they were, and that there were delays when he was summoned to 911 for the sick at his home.
However, last week, Ansbagh testified, and Pierce was worried about her own criminal responsibility, and trying to encourage anyone from taking women to a hospital. Videos of two hospitals show that the license plates were not attached when they took women to medical facilities in the car's car.
The final arguments on the two -week investigation are expected to begin on Wednesday.