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Adelanto facility in California will resume detaining immigrants – Jobsmaa.com


One of the largest immigrant detention facilities in California is to begin to restore immigrants, and now a federal judge has raised an epidemic court order, which reduced the people as two prisoners.

This action comes over a year for discussion On its potential closure Workers at the Atlanto snow processing center urged the federal government not to shut it down. American Immigration and Customs Enforcement issued temporary contract extensions every several months, while waiting for the settlement of the legal case.

In a verdict on Friday, US District Judge Terry Hatter Junior in California's Central District wrote, “The new prisoner intake at the Adilando Snow Processing Center is temporarily pending.

Legal dispute focuses on the conditions of the facility for both employees and prisoners and is not connected to President Trump's current Repression on immigration. However, this feature, which can hold nearly 2,000 inmates, may play an important role in the enforcement efforts of the administration, as it illegally follows Trump's pledges to surround people living in the country.

The Florida-based Private Prison-Corporation Company or Geo Group-Group-Group-Corporation has not immediately responded to the demands of Florida.

The population in Adilanto began to fall dramatically in 2020 Hatter to order The Release of prisoners And to prohibit new intake and transfers.

“We would have wanted to keep the barrier we could, but the intake of the intake actually arises from the infection, and it was not fair to keep people there,” said a lawyer, Eva Pitron, said that the US Civil Libertis Union of South California. “No one should be stuffed in immigration detention. We don't believe that there is certainly not in Atlanto. Its registration has been given Human rights violations. ”

The ban will be permanently lifted once the court has finalized the settlement, which reached the central government and immigrant lawyers on December 23. Bidron said the final approval would come in mid -March.

For now, this facility can be reviewed only for a maximum of 475 people. Pitron said the population cap, which was established under the infection, would be raised at the final approval of the immigration. The feature is 1,940.

A former state prison, 85 miles northeast from Los Angeles, is Adelando, which began to function as a snow prevention center in 2011. Overall, California facilities can hold nearly 7,200 prisoners.

Randy Erwin, the president of the National Federal Federation of National Federal Staff, who refers to many employees in Adilanto, said he was happy to know that the facility is running again, because it is a waste of taxpayer money to sit empty.

“This is a sophisticated facility. It was very clear. In fact, from the previous administration, it is also needed for beds,” he said. “I am happy to find that our people have not lost their work, that the facility is open and that all of us are back to work.”

Geo Group staff told The Times that up to 500 workers in full potential. Erwin said 350 union members would be stopped if the facility was closed.

Last year, the central government moved on to raise the ban, and the ACLU opposed it, because the government did not guarantee that the people would protect the people from bringing the Gov -19 from the re -facility. Some back and forth, they finally moved towards resolving the case.

Bidron said that he would never have thought of the ban on new prisoners in the Atlanto facility.

“This is a huge success for us,” he said. “But there was always a clock in that intake barrier.”

The Alliance of Migrant Rights Groups, also known as Shut Town Adeelando, a member of the ACLU of South California, has argued to close the feature for many years, citing many health, security and human rights violations. For example, in 2021, the Environmental Protection Institute Issued a warning After finding that the misuse of a chemical disinfectant spray, the prisoners experienced nostrils and nausea to the Geo group.

Representative Judy Sue (T-Monterie Park), who supported the closure of Atlanto, said he continued to monitor the conditions there.

“Apparently, I am afraid of the safety and safety of immigrants who are now detained by the Geo Group in the Adilando facility.

Although the Biden administration has completed contracts with many detention facilities across the country, the Trump administration has soon moved to expand the immigrant detention.

On Wednesday, Trump signed a note to lead the central government to prevent the “more priority” immigrants at the Cuba's Quantanamo Bay of Cuba, which is 30,000 beds.

“This will immediately double our ability,” Trump told the White House the previous day. Those comments came only after Trump signed Lacan Relay LawHis first legislature won this time. The law demanding the detention of immigrants who have been accused of some crimes, such as theft, will increase the detention of detention.

In the last financial year, the Congress funded 41,500 immigrants. Before Trump took office, more than 39,000 people have already been detained. In their first term in 2019, immigration officials detained over 55,000 people.

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