In a measure of warning the soldiers, Brendwood School appeals to the Courtwood Court to overthrow the order of a judge who cancels a judge's lease for the land that maintains extensive athletics.
Lawyers for Elite Private School filed a summary in the US 9th round of Appeal, District Court Judge David O. In his final judgment, the West Los Angeles Campus of Veterans Affairs argued that he had misunderstood the law.
The VA is about the use of land. The spokesman for the players who sue, who negotiate a settlement with the school, they feel indiscriminately, allow it to stay on the ground, while accessing the athletics of the soldiers and providing additional rent and services.
“They are completely angry,” said Iraqi warrior Rob Renaults, who testified at the inquiry into the struggles of soldiers and lawyers.
In a statement, the school re -assessed the words of the school compression and re -confirmed its commitment to the contract.
“In the end, we want to protect the valuable and long -term relationship with the players of the Brentwood School, provide them with comprehensive services, and get a legally valid lease for the use of senior land and serve our students,” the statement said. “Although the contract has not been finalized, the school has already implemented significant additional services under the terms of the Settlement Agreement.”
Adam Kon, the school's board chairman, agreed that the legal filing should have been created.
“Something we may have done in the abbreviation made it clear that there was a deal with the plaintiffs we support,” Gon said in an interview. “It is true today as we were when we signed the document.”
But Renaults said the players were skeptical.
“They can make public reports. That is, there is nothing, ”he said. “They wrote in that abbreviation that means everything.”
Carter found that the Brendwood lease and the UCLA's baseball stadium, parking lots and oil wells functioning failed to meet the legal requirement for “mainly” or “mainly” players and their families.
Carter's verdict in late last year After the appeal, the school's lawyer Jonathan Sandler stood behind the settlement agreement that negotiated with the players.
But the summary of his January 17 Appeal Court did not mention the agreement, instead of the West Los Angeles Lease Act, the Carter's Judgment Act, the leased families had to meet the standard, which only the tenants would benefit the players, mainly beneficial to the players.
Sandler calculated services in addition to $ 850,000 rental, including vocational training, physical entertainment, transport, soldiers' scholarships and hundreds of free meals.
If the lease is to be the sole purpose of benefiting the players, he wrote, “There will be no encouragement to third parties who do not pay exclusively-the parties that provide extensive services to the heroes-on the WLA campus.”
Case. Following the August hearing, Carter issued a verdict Leases are wrong And ordered the VA to produce 750 temporary and 1,800 permanent household units on campus.
Before the final judgment, he conducted a series of inquiries Visit the premises To negotiate with the players on the new leasing rules, although it is not named defendants in this case, to identify specific parcels that can be built and emphasized the tenants. At one point he threatened to fill the sand if it did not comply with the 10 -way swimming pool of the school.
Watching the threat, school Reached a solution Since the soldiers have raised its rent to Million 1 million, with the increase in the cost of living, the total cost of $ 5 million and the players expanded the hours that it could use its athletics. But the lawyers of the VA continued the description of the judge's law, and objected to the verdict and appealed.
Despite the appeal, Sandler stressed the support of the school's firm support for the proposed solution.
“Brendwood is going to progress right away. As the solution goes forward and is recognized by this court,” Sandler said. “… that's our hope, that's our plan, that's what we want. We think this is for the best interests of the Veterans and the school. ”
But a few days later, the 9th round of the 9th round of the Carter was unveiled and set up a quick inquiry to set a date in April. Staying affected the settlement agreement and left the school without leasing, and asked the school to interfere with Chandler Garder.
At the time, the soldier's lawyer Roman Silberfeld did not raise any objections, Carter accepted. Silberbeld said he was sorry for not objection now.
“My expectation is not to oppose their intervention, and they are going to take steps to protect the settlement and should not be destroyed,” Silberfield said in an interview. “They can write a summary that supports settlement.”
Instead, Silberbeld said, “They have taken the position that Justice Carter made a mistake in every aspect of every judgment he made.”
In 1888, Chandler's ruling that the prize for the government of the land created a charity confidence was also contested by Chandler, which was aimed at creating and maintaining permanent homes for the soldiers on campus. He imposes a credible duty on the lease that violates that duty.
Silberbeld called the school's arguments inappropriately. Plaintiffs must file their abbreviation by February 17.