One -Time Trump “True Believer” Stated During last summer Democratic National Conference, a national television audience knew the president “no morality, no morals, no credibility for truth.”
She recalled her suggestion for Trump to serve as her spokesman: “Stephanie – what you said is not important – say it enough. People will trust you.”
Now add those attributes to all of Trump's Americans, especially those who have not voted for him, and Trump's behavior on Los Angeles, this month is the same as urban infernos. One when it exploded Once a generation Event-Service-Squadron Santa Ana Winds Meeting made the drought-stricken landscape-bearer and embarrassment of fire, and made homes more easily.
Unprecedented, Trump is demanding conditions on federal disaster assistance for California, even though he was open Not looking for anything In the Southeast United States, after the tornadoes of the last fall, their lives, homes, businesses and infrastructure are often from the red states. During his mostly decent visit to LA last week, Trump did not repeat those demands to the faces of the Californians. The government may believe that he has changed. But it is never a good bet.
Since the beginning of the fire, Trump's knowledge, the democratic leaders of the states-Gavin's “Newscam”-led-in his words-will run some valve in North California. 'D “Allow the beautiful, clean, fresh water to flow” Posted On January 8th on his social media site. Even in his opening text, he LieThe wildfire is to say that “without even the identity of safety” is burning Firefighters They risked their lives through 24- and 48 hours of changes to Canada and Mexico.
Trump spreads such false information despite countless Fact -based When the conflict began on January 7, northern California promises not a valve issue.
Because you know, say enough, people will trust you.
Near the midnight on Monday, Trump Let it be loose The most humorous version of the lie is: “The United States military has entered the major state of California and emergency powers and operated the plenty of water from the Pacific Northwest. The days of pseudo -environmentalism, the days of putting people on people are over. California, Enjoy water !!! ”
The next day the president's new spokesman, Caroline Levit, opened the explanation of his first White House, Praising the employer Because in California, “water is operated”. Levit said, “Thank you for not all general knowledge on the state and local authorities for Trump's” pressure campaign. “
Except that that action did not take place. Take this from Trump friendly Fox News and its Pentagon reporter Jennifer Griffin Tweet was made Just before the Levit's convention: “US security officials tell me that they have not sent troops to 'run' to run water in California, despite President Trump's claims overnight.” Griffin was confirming that The same message From the California Water Resources Department.
Trump's lies and false information are enough when Americans move away from natural disasters; Then the candidate Trump Spread In the last fall in misleading from Florida to southwest Virginia on the emergency response of the Biden administration. But the truly outrageous thing is that Trump's federal disaster is repeatedly politicized, especially when Blue California is a miserable state.
This is a fact of politics: if any issue passes discrimination, it is a disaster. After all, federal aid often goes to victims, not for state or local leaders. Some of the victims voted for Trump. It is like a thing: only a politician with “no empathy, no morals” will uphold a state that does not vote for him.
It is clear that Trump is playing politics. His plan is always a word. In North Carolina on Friday before flying to LA, Trump false Complaint That is, under Bidan, the federal aid was very slow for “political reasons” for the hurricane-grown state-because in 2020, North Carolina did not vote for Bidan. To a reporter's question, he said he would not keep conditions (which helped North Carolina (which voted for him in 2016, 2020 and 2024). He immediately said, “I have a condition in California.” Two, in fact: a state voter ID law. And, of course, “release the water.”
“After that,” Said The President, who is always scared, said, “I will be the greatest president that California has ever seen.”
(Trump abandoned his idea of conditioning assistance on Congress to expand the federal debt limit.
Trump's desire to exploit disaster assistance to political points is not surprising. During his first term he diminished help for many years Democratic friendly Puerto Rico. Trial By the then Analyst General of Housing and Urban Development. And he Resisted by help Orange County has more Trump's voters than all of the Orange County, as long as a consultant has been shown to California after the 2018 wildfire.
Prior to the election of 2024, Newsome Been invited That 2018 experience is “a vision of the future if we choose” Trump. Here's the future.