The door of a pilot's plane seemed to be Azar, it departed from Fulleron Airport, a few minutes before that Crashed into a warehouseTwo people were killed and 19 were injured, investigators say.
Both killed were identified as Pascal and Kelly Reed.
Investigators, citing the witness statements and video, have been reported that the left door of the van's plane was left after the RV -10 flight departed. Preliminary report The National Transport Security Board was released on Thursday.
At the airport, a witness at the airport left after leaving, “He saw that the left door was open and above. He then went up a hand and saw the door pulling down, ”the statement said. The witness thought that the pilot had closed the door, the report states.
Changes, including the standard locking system, were reported to be a warning system designed to alert the pilot when the door was not closed, the report said. The report reported that the door contained solid steel locking pins instead of aluminum needles provided by the kit. The aircraft's UHMW polyethylene door was also replaced by the Chamber aluminum constituencies, the report said.
Another witness, who knows the plane, said the taxi from the southeastern corner of the airport's runway, the report said. The safety video showed the left front door “under the lower position,” but it is “not plucking with fuse.”
After departure, the pilot sent a signal to the control tower for an “instant landing” and asked if the tower controller could make a left twist. The pilot said he was landing on the runway 24, climbing about 950 feet and finished the left turn. Then the aircraft crossed the entrance to the runway 24, and from the plane “unrelated exchange was heard”.
The aircraft crashed into the roof of Michael Nicholas, designing a furniture shop at about 1,500 feet from the end of the runway 24, the report said.
Other witnesses said the aircraft was less than normal in the final stages of the plane. The plane rolled to the left and right, and its nose fell to the warehouse, “It crashed into a fireball.” Just before the crash, the witnesses said, they saw the “white piece of white from the plane”, which seemed to be “like a panel”, and it “floated” on the ground.