For the second time in several years, the Big Pierre fence bald Eagle Power Jackie and the shade, followed by thousands of social media fans, there are three eggs in their nest, and the audience confirmed Tuesday evening.
Big Pierre Valley Security Team Friends are responsible for webcams that provide 24 -hour eagle access like “Truman Show”, Views of the third egg Arrival at 5:45 pm
The clip received more than 280,000 views as of Wednesday afternoon.
“I am very excited and a little surprised,” said Sandy Steires, Managing Director of Friends of Big Pear Valley. “Last year, this was the first time. It was very rare to lay three eggs again.”
Jackie, who is 13 years old in this spring, wiped out his feathers, wiped out the wings, and released his latest egg, According to the group.

The famous Eagle couple of Big Pierre Lake greeted their third egg on Tuesday.
(Friends of Big Pear Valley)
The egg was third in the Big Pierre Lake at a week's interval in the nest -covered nest. Their home is 145 feet above the ground level in the Jeffrey Finch.
The shade, soon at age 11, was in the nest with the jockey, but it was about 10 minutes before the egg laying process began, according to friends of the Big Pierre Valley.
The latest efforts of this couple raise an important question for Eagle fans: Eggs are frying?
When it comes to parents, the latest years of shadow and jaggery are terrible.
In 2024, the pair similarly placed three eggs For the first time. During the relentless blizzard, the Jackie protected the clutch for 62 hours, but the trio did not hatch.
“I don't know if it is fair to say that the contradictions are stacked against them, but as far as Eagles are concerned, in general, only 50% of eggs fry,” said Stears. “They have to deal with cold and high heights. This will provide less oxygen to eggs. They have to breathe.”
A year ago, Steires believed that two eggs were ate in Eagles by Ravens, although the jockey and shade may have suspected something wrong in the shade eggs.
When the two men saw mating in late December, the confidence for Eagles sprouted again.
In the 1970s, the bald eagles of California were almost destroyed, but now the state said that over 41 out of 41 in 58 districts of the state The field of fish and wildlife.
The national bird was removed from the federal list of threatened and dangerous organisms in 2007, although California still list the organism as dangerous.
As for this pair, Jackie and the shade are covered with eggs, said the Steires. Jackie was waiting for all his eggs to be delayed.
The pipeing period, or the time the chicks are expected to get rid of their eggs, starts about 35 days from the first egg laid. Sterus believes that the most realistic chronology is 38 to 40 days until the first one chick is fried because it is not late.
Steires said that there were 40,000 people in the previous events, but there were 40,000 people who had seen the recent egg distribution.
“We have many who tell us that live game joins Eagles,” Stears said. “They do a lot of things that Jackie and Shadow do, it is used to it, works together and takes care of each other.
“Plus,” Stears also says, “It gives them something to look at something other than dark things on the internet.”