They had only one shot to save the fish.
From the ash Policies fire The Santa Monica Mountains threw in a stream in the last population of the Steelhead Out, which humiliated the quality of the water.
The First rain Following the closure of Infurno, with the threats of the flowers that breathe in the infanca creek. The soil was already clogged with the lower limits, and was swept away by the water used to stimulate the fire.
Primarily four teams with biologists exit the waterway on January 23 and shock the trout With electric current It is used in buckets for trucks used for water and decorated with large tanks. It was important to move quickly to reduce the emphasis on dangerous fish.
It was beneficial. That night, 271 Southern California Steelhead Trea Out Was taken to a hatchry in Filmore for keeping it safe. With 530 rare fish calculated in the creek in November, it refers to a large part of the population.
“I was very surprised and grateful for us to have such a success,” said Principal Security Biologist Rosie Takit Santa Monica Mountain Resource Conservation DistrictParticipant in redemption.
The escape is short: the first storm of the season came within two days, and the remaining fish may be buried in muddy broth.
“Any fish that remained there is gone,” he said. “We tapped a bullet in it.”
Last week, Santa Monica was one of the most dangerous trucks that fishermen from a stream in the mountains.
(Christon Kellam / California Fish and Wildlife Department)
This is the second successful fish recovery in January. Within a week before the trunk is out, 760 northern Titwater Cobis – little dangerous fish – Scoop out The same is transported to waterproofing and aquariums.
Despite the success of the trips, some scientists involved have agreed that such emergency recovery is not the best – or for a long time.
In the last century, appropriate habitats have collapsed, increasingly adding stress to a system affected by wildfire human land and water. It may take many years to recover the burnt water bodies, and in the meantime, the less space for moving fish in an emergency can be left. Some people want to see the new tricks used to deal with the challenges.
Dopanga creek – A biodiversity of Santa Monica Bay – California Fish and Wildlife Department Environmental Project Manager Kyle Evans says it may take five to 10 years to fully heal.
More than 23,000 acres of chewing policy fire burned to the water in places, destroyed the trees and destroyed the ripeness with the edges.
Evans said that the redemption is “not for the population or sector.” “This is a complete emergency of these fish recovery, which is a last attempt to save these people so that they will continue.”
About 60 people helped to conduct a rescue led by California fish and wildlife. The crew used buckets to carry tanks decorated trucks from the stream.
(Christon Kellam / California Fish and Wildlife Department)
The government agency headed by the TRU OUT is focused on habitat renovation, which calls “a long -term solution to give these fish somewhere in places where they can live and prosperous.”
It goes down Rindz Dam Malibu creek and the Modilja dam The Ventura River is located in the water bodies, as well as the removal of aggressive organisms, improve the quality of habitat and increase the amount of water in the current.
Steelhead relocates to the sea and returns to freshwater streams, which can be blocked by dams and other barriers created by man. In South California, the number of Steelhead fell in the midst of coastal growth and excessive fishing. A distinctive Southern California population Listed as dangerous at the state and federal level.
Many government agencies and other partners have helped the recent fish rescue.
Habitat restructuring is important for both Steelhead and Gobis, but it is not enough.
Titwater Kopis can withstand serious changes in temperature and salinity. But their Numbers Similarly, their coastal habitats were dysfunctional because they were destroyed, which provoked their list of federal dangerous organisms under the law.
“The idea of waiting for habitat renovation is not going to do it. We have no time. We will completely lose these fish,” says Takit Steelhead.
Instead, he argued for an active attitude, including moving Steelhead, so that they could rearrange the areas they destroyed due to fire, floods or other disasters.
A 2024 report Other potential interventions prepared for the Resource Protection District, in which fish are moving around barriers and called streamside incubators, are a form of captive breeding, where camets are fertilized and incubate at the launch site.
The point is that the point is to increase the number of fish in the landscape to increase the redundancy and setbacks to the population.
“We don't have much [California] Condor is the moment, but we are very close, ”Tagit said, referring to the larger and dangerous birds that have declined in the population Just 22 In the 1980s. Steelhead people described people as “very fragile at this time.”
The State Wildlife Agency Evans stressed that more fish need more habitats. It is difficult to come up with more urbanized areas.
“By the end of the day, I can raise a million fish, but if they are nowhere to go, I will keep them out of the way,” he said. “I can grow fish now and can throw them into the LA river. They're not going to create it, right? This is only a concrete channel. ”
When the long -term attitude is working, hundreds of gopis and captive truck are here and now causing confusion. No people will immediately return to the poorly burnt waters they have appreciated.
After the fire broke out, Takit told her Agency The Ventura County is currently hoping to add water to the dry lake and plant fewer kopi.
In the meantime, the gopis shook at Santa Monica Heal the bay fisheries And Pacific fisheries In Long Beach.
According to Laura Ring, the co -director of the fisheries, there are plans to create an exhibition that can be viewed by the public to “raise their important story”.
The fate of Steelhead is firm. Within two weeks they will go to another appropriate stream in Santa Barbara County, Evans said.
At the beginning of this week, the Trea Out was still fixed with new drills. To feel at home, the large particles of the PVC pipe and other materials were plucked in the water. The plywood was installed above the cover and preventing them from going out. .
Los Angeles and surrounding areas are long overdue Redemption From the policies and other extinct fire that erupted last month, Evans tries to play his share of his company – attending the habitats and creatures that are bound in the community.
“We are a big state, we can help people and fish at once,” he said.