Picture the thin layer of sand, hospitality desert land on the side of the highway 78 a few miles from the Saltton Sea.
Welcomes you in a flag and a border gate The United States of the sovereign nation of the Slojamastan Republic .
It is a normal country, the zero of GDP, the zero, the economic downturn, because it does not raise taxes or has full -time residents, or even any buildings, the general feature of most national states, except for a payment booth. It is a semi -comedy, the performance of its founder and supreme leader.
In the center of its capital, known as Dublandia, there is a square connection concrete, a call box, a flag pole and a desk of the Sultan, a person who is known outside the borders of Slojamastan as Randy Williams.
Williams is a radio host of “Sunday Night Slow Jams” and a show about Magic 92.5 in San Diego, born in Chicago and developed in Los Angeles and Dusan. After visiting every country in the world, after completing Turkmenistan in 2023, he said he decided to build his own. Here, he is formally referred to: His superiority, Randy “R Dub!” Williams, the Sultan of Slojamastan.
The nation is not recognized by other countries, including the United States – it is a threatening threat on all sides – a new one in the world established four years ago. The Micronation Movement came as a form of anti -establishment expression in the 1960s and 70s, and said that he was encouraged to create him after viewing Williams The Republic of MolosiaIn Reno.
In fact, Micro countries are not sovereignty, but groups of independence from countries that are technically part of the technology. Williams' nation is a naughty, a gag, a little. A satirical fun, well, is not completely clear. The Sultan seems to be entertaining itself in this active time.

Sultan (Randy Williams) and Porter Patrol (SIC) Mark Corona on January 17 in the Slojamastan Republic.
(Tara Howard)
But recently, not all in Slojamastan. You may think that the lack of residents, the distant place and the explicit value of the land will put the crime rate near zero, but you will think very wrong.
A month ago, a month ago, the cameras set up on the “border” of Slojamastan captured two men and two children, which entered the border office within a tollboot, Ethile, the border agent of Slojamastan, a manequin. American penetrating people rolled into the concrete, “We are proclaiming the war against Slojamastan.”
Slojamastan's 22,000 citizens (citizenship can be obtained on the Internet and no need for residence or birthright, vow against crocodiles) because of the robbery at the time. There is not even the leader of Borer Patrole Mark Corona.
Corona, who is carrying a gun filled with bullets, is filled with Tequila and claiming to be a “porter Patrole” in her pickup truck, and at the time he played the pickle ball, which allowed the robber free control to the territory. It is difficult to say whether Corona was In fact Playing the pickle ball or at the time of the robbery is nowhere near Slojamastan, he thinks it is fun to say that he is playing in pickles.
One thing you take quickly when dealing with Slojamastani officials is that it will have any journalist, which includes a country that is run by a attractive dictator, its own state -run media, Slojamastan communications and the propaganda ministry. Not everything they say can be taken in the face value. There are no claims to play pickles.
Fortunately, a code was established to get the truth. If the Sultan or Corona said “hand to God,” they were really honest. If they don't say that, nothing is gone.
Examples? OK.
The Sultan has a lot of plans.

The Republic of Slojamastan is a square connection concrete that supports a call box, a flag pole and the desk of its Sultan.
(Tara Howard)
An airport (hand to God). Action Airport (no comment). A interactive Armadillo farm (hand to God Similar To keep this). You can eat Mongolian barbecue (ditto). A lazy river that uses the water discharged from the sea (Ditto, he would like to call it the Sultan Sea, although the Imperial County Supervisor Board informed him that they had no jurisdiction or the desire to change the name).
Sultan says that robbery, hand to God, a true robbery, not a Slojamastani stunt to attention. He didn't laugh about it.
“We are the world's number one pranks. We like pranks, but when it starts to damage things and spend money people. It's not fun. There is a good line.”
“If we do something, it will be fun. It's not. There is nothing funny about it,” he said.
He acknowledged that some people may think that the robbery was a stunt.
“Sometimes the line between the stunt and the Real is thin,” he said.
The breakdown that Sultan was brought out of the desert this afternoon. Because of the crime, the Sultan felt that he had to set up a fence around Slojamasthan. The new Slojamastani, run by a boy named Travis, declared the “T-Velly Department”. The fence is not likely to keep anyone out, but this will force people to enter the Micro nation via Border Gate, which cameras record its audience.
This morning/afternoon is in the entire military regalia, a green jacket, a green jacket thrown over the shoulder and a military hat, his usual dress for hosting. He announces that the country has introduced a Gofundme to build the wall, and has accumulated more than 6,000 per day.
The Sultan drives the first stock of the fence, jumping on the jump to get a very necessary torque. This is not a lazy river or interactive Armadillo zoo, but this is a beginning.
If there is an investigation into the robbery, it is not clear. The Sultan said the office of the Imperial County Sheriff's office was taking care of it, but the department did not respond to the request for commenting from those times.
Then it is time to leave Slojamastan. Do not go into the United States before Corona violates your new, Slojamastani passport.
“Welcome,” the passport seal says when you enter. “Wamus,” it says when you are stamped.
In his sunglasses, the Sultan is tired. The wind blows, he receives speeches from his radio station boss, and he shared his place with him. He has changed his job as a Slojamastani Embassy.
Sultan took a day's holiday from work for the fence ceremony. His employer has a question.
“Do you spend the day in Slojamastan?”