The government signed an administrative order that he claimed to be “intended to” intended to “increase” the seizure of water during winter storms.
Newsome Provided the order It says that this will make it easier to distract and save water as storms bring rain and snow on Friday and on the coming days.
“It is more important than ever before we increase every chance of recharging our groundwater supply,” Newsome said. “As we expect rain and snow in northern California, we are preparing to use every last drop to increase the water supply to communities and farms across the state.”
However, the environmental and fishing groups condemned New Zoom's order as dangerous to President Trump's federal orders, saying that the governor's attitude would be harmful to vulnerable fish species and threatened the worse environmental system of the river Sekramento-San Joak's Delta.
Barry Nelson, a policy representative of the Golden State Salmon Azn Fisheries Committee, said, “This order reads as President Trump wrote.
He said that the action of Newsome is a reflection Administrative order Trump announced five days ago in which he advised federal organizations to “increase” the water supply in California and “overwhelm” state policies if necessary.
“It reads almost a carbon copy of the row,” Nelson said. “We call the governor to protect the environment of California and not help federal attacks.”
Representatives of water suppliers supported the New Zoom order.
These measures are “the authority to make California water managers the power to make a destructive impact of the flood, while quickly distracting excessive water to recharge the groundwater supply,” said Kathy Green. California Water Agent.
“The Green said that the order is underlined the need to modernize our permitting process that better reflects the ability of the state to be flexible on the face of climate change.
Newsum declared this order to be the first third Atmospheric river storms Reached the state, brought rain and snow after a Unusually dried January.
Newsam ordered the State Water Resources Department to “increase excess flows” during winter storms to store more water in reservoirs such as the San Louis reservoir located south of the Delta near Los Panos. The Arrangement Government agencies are inviting government agencies to identify any obstacles that prevent efforts to increase distractions “and immediately report” legal or regulatory obstacles to be considered for suspension “.
State officials have said that New Zom's directive will facilitate the seizure of high storms to recharge ground water for local agencies, which has decreased by increasing increased increased areas. They said that the order is formed Previous instructions In 2023, the governor helped to increase the amount of water used to fill the groundwater.
By catching too much storm, Newsome said, “We are creating a shower -day fund to help us get ready for our warm and dry future.” The water supply strategy of his administration is a 10% decrease in scheduled In the state of the state by 2040 due to climate change.
Trump has criticized California for calling the “devastating” policies and water “wrong management.”
Security lawyers said Newsome's orders to the president's orders reveal a similar approach to the president's orders that they fear that the Delta and San Francisco bay would lead to weak protection for fish and clean water.
“This is Donald Trump's illegal and a surrender to California, Californians and our environment,” said John Rosenfield, scientific director of the San Francisco Packeter Group.
Though Trump's directive tried to dismiss federal environmental protection and undermine state law, Rosenfield said, “Similarly, Newsomom chose to dismiss state laws that need to protect the clean water and fish of the bay. As a result, it is expected that the fish and wildlife of the bay will continue to rotate towards oblivion. ”
In Delta, two major water supply systems, state water project and central Valley scheme provides water to agricultural lands and about 30 million people.
Delta has contributed to the environmental degradation, where the fish species listed as threatened or dangerous include the Steelhead Tro, two types of sinus salmon, langfin smelt, Delta Smelt and Green Sturgeon.
There are fisheries officials as the people of salmon are declining Close the salmon fishing season For the past two years, on the coast of California, trade fishermen and chartered boat captains left the captains Outside of work.
Another sign of Delta's environmental decline in recent years Toxic algae flowers worsen.
Rosenfield said the current rules of the state to distract enough water during the upcoming storms and that the state's water supply in the reservoirs is relatively good.
“The only explanation for this action at this time is that Newsome feels a political need to prove that he supports more water or more than Donald Trump,” Rosenfield said.
The Westlands Water District, the largest agricultural water system of the central valley, said that “it supports the process of distracting and saving more runs like storm events.”
“This flexibility helps the overall water management in California, and this is an important step to increase our water supply,” said Westland's spokesman Elizabeth Jonasan.
The recent debate on New Zoom's directive on the directive of the governor's administration against the environmental and fishing groups in Delta was a recent disagreement. Environmental groups, tribal and local agencies are fighting New Zoom's plan for making $ 20 billion Water subway under the Delta.
They argued against the government -backed proposal as an alternative to regulatory needs in Delta Negotiation agreements With water agencies.
The River Group Friends Project Director Gary Bopgarh expects the Californians to expect the New Zoom to “protect them from the wrong effort to force the Trump administration in the state's throat.”
Instead, he argued that the order goes against the interests of the Californians in the protection of healthy rivers, fisheries and clean water.
Golden State Salmon Azin Nelson said policies, such as the governor's directive, “led to the collapse of the Bay-Telda environment, and push the Salman to the brink of extinction.”
Nelson said the order was worried that the order appears to be “open-end” and that drought or flooding will allow the environmental quality to be dismissed even if it is not an emergency.
Nelson said, “This order does not pretend that there is a drought emergency.” Nelson said, “This is simply,” we will be suspended because the environmental laws are raining. “