Rev to lead the monument and rally for the victims of the Los Angeles fire. Al Sharpton will go to Basadena on Thursday. Along with him, lawyer Ben Grump represents the families of people killed in the fire, with many relatives of the deceased.
“In the last few weeks, the wildfire that hurts Los Angeles has been a catastrophic humanitarian and natural disaster,” Sharpton said in a statement. “People have lost their homes, memories, and eventually their lives for this disaster, while some have tried to get political points to use this horrific event. On Thursday, I will join the lawyer to unite, restore, rebuild the community to condole our lost.”
Fire cut in social classes, and the number of deaths has reached at least 29 people. Eden Fire, at the foot of the San Gabriel Mountains, torn through a historical and mainly black Society In Altadeena, wiping many old homes and accumulating wealth with them. A UCA the inspection It was released last week that black residents in Altadeena were 1.3 times more than 1.3 times more damage or complete destruction of their home during Inferno.
The 70 -year -old Sharpton, the head of the National Action Network in New York City, has set a firm but controversial record as civil rights leader. He has been accused in the past for provoking antisemitism and homosexuality. While his speech continues to continue his interest in justice, his The controversial image has faded somewhat His civil rights objectives include all more.
The National Action Network According to the organization, “Religion, religion, ethnicity, citizenship, criminal registration, economic status, gender, regardless of the struggle for a standard justice, discipline and equal opportunities for all people, created to promote a modern civil rights agenda, gender expression, or sex. ”
The monument will take place on Thursday at noon First Ame Church In Pasadena.